
Berikut adalah daftar kegiatan off-line echo ataupun tiap2 individu yang tergabung di staff echo. Tujuan dari aktifnya kami melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan offline adalah sebagai salah satu metode kami untuk berbagi, sedangkan tujuan kami membuat daftar kegiatan-kegiatan yang telah kami lakukan adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan untuk nostalgia kami secara pribadi.

We've lost track in our 2011 Event :)

1  idsecconf event 
4 Hack In the Zoo event 

Di 2011 juga beberapa dari kami mulai banyak melakukan seminar/workshop ke instansi-instansi pemerintah dengan harapan peningkatan kemampuan teknik yang merata di pemerintahan.

idsecconf 2010 - bali

01 August 2010 - PalComTech Hacking Competition and Seminar 2010
Gedung Stmik & Poltek PalComTech ,Palembang
" Social Networking : how secure are u ? " - K-159
" wireless Hacking and Analisis" - Lirva32

20 June 2010 - Teksound External Workshop , Web&Computer Security Education for High School
SMAN 8 , Jakarta
" Hacker's Inside (Think What's Hacker Think) " - the_day

19 June 2010 - Hack in The Zoo 3 , Social Networking : How Secure Are u?
Kebon Binatang - Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan
" VOIP Hacking " - Lirva32
" twitter zombie " - Az001
" Take Over Yahoo Account with Yahoo Security Question " - K-159

Politeknik Telkom , Bandung
" Who want to be a Hacker " - K-159
" Network Security Contest " - the_day & Az001

9 May 2010 - Seminar Hacking & Security
STMIK Raharja, Tanggerang
" Hacking Motivation " - the_day

Desember 2009 - Seminar IT Security
Institut Pertanian Bogor , Bogor
" Indonesian Cyber Crime " - the_day

22 November 2009 - Palcomtech's Seminar and Hacking Competition
Stmik & Poltek PalComtech , Palembang
" Who want to be a Hacker " - K-159

November 2009 - Info Komputer Seminar: IndoComtech Event
JHCC ,Jakarta
"Attacking BlackBerry for phun and profit " - y3dips

17 October 2009 - Seminar Nasional : Securing Your Private Information
Universitas Soedirman ,Purwokerto
"Securing Your Private Information " - the_day

10 October 2009 - Software Freedom Day 2009
Universitas Budi Luhur ,Ciledug
" Social Engineering : How Low Can You Go " - K-159

15 Februari 2009 - GAIM IV MIFTA
Teknosoft Media, Jakarta Timur
" websecurity kungfu : attack and defense " - K-159

27 Desember 2008 - Seminar Network Security
Universitas Nasional, Jakarta Selatan
" attack the (own) network, so you`ll survive " - y3dips

13-14 Desember 2008 - Indonesian Security Conference, idsecconf2008
UPN, Yogyakarta

9 November 2008 - Seminar and Hacking Game Competition
STMIK PalCom Tech, Palembang
" Web Security KungFu " - K-159
" Bedah Buku "Hacker ? its not about Black or White" " - y3dips
" Network Series: Bypassing Limited Access; - az001
" 4 level Game hacking (including Reverse Engineering, Network Hacking, Web HAcking,System (OS) hacking )" - y3dips, az001, K-159

September 2008 - Software Freedom Days 2008
Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta
" All About Wireless Security " - Hero

4,5 & 6 July 2008 - Workshop linux and windows 2003 security, Seminar Wireless & Web Hacking
STMIK Potensi Utama, Medan
" Seminar: Wireless Security, [In]security & Hacking (WEP Cracking Demo) " - y3dips
" Seminar: Web Hacking Kungfu " - theday
" Workshop: Linux Security (Hands on) " - y3dips
" Workshop: windows 2003 Security (Hands On) " - theday

26 Januari 2008 - Seminar Wireless & Web Hacking
STMIK MDP, Palembang
" Wireless Security, [In]security & Hacking (WEP Cracking Demo) " - y3dips
" Web Security & hacking (SQL dan RFI Injection Demo ) " - K-159

6 & 8 November 2007 - workshop & Seminar Wireless Hacking
Universitas Gunadarma, Depok
" Wireless Basic and Security " - Hero
" Wireless Hacking & Demo " - Bherly

30 Oktober 2007 - Bellua Cyber Security 2007
Hotel Gran Melia, Jakarta
" Recent Trends in Local Hacking Community " - eCHo RDC Collective -

07 October 2007 - Buka Puasa Bersama, Rumah makan Mang Kabayan, Depok

15 September 2007 - Software Freedom Days
Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta
" Honeypot, HoneyNet; HoneyFarm " - Hero
" Firewalling & IDS; basic theory n practice " - Bherly
" Live Penetration Testing BL site`s " - EchoStaff

9 September 2007 - Echo 4th Anniversary
Ulang tahun Echo.or.id yang keempat, (Apakah Kamu dan Komputermu aman? )
" ("Latest Computer And Network Security Threats (0day)") " - Jim Geovedi
" ("Protocol Tunneling : From Limited to Unlimited Access, plus Demo") " - the_Day

11 Agustus 2007 - RITECH EXPO 2007
Open Source Expo terbesar di Indonesia, MGK Kemayoran
"MITM attack and how to defend with Ubuntu Linux (arpWall projekt concept) " - y3dips

5 Agustus 2007 - Seminar of Cryptography and Internet Security (SCIS) 2007 "peranan kriptografi pada pengamanan informasi dan internet", STSN, Jakarta
Paper entitled :" Hacking Tutorial (step by step), Password Cracking, Web Hacking" the_day

26 Mei 2007 - Jasakom & eCHo Seminar
Pusat Pertokoan Komputer Poin Square Lt 2, Lebak Bulus, Jakarta
Paper entitled :" Global Defense : Firewall,IDS n Honeypots : " - Hero

15 October 2006 - Buka Puasa Bersama EcHo , BakmiGM Melawai

16 September 2006 - Software Freedom Day 2006,Budi Luhur University , Ciledug
Paper entitled :" Wireless Hacking : " - hero

09 September 2006 - Fakultas Ilmu Komputer , Universitas Indonesia , Depok
Paper entitled :" The Evolution of Network Security : From Passive 2 Active " - the_day
Paper entitled :"TCP/IP Packet Injection" - z3r0byt3 
Paper entitled :" Playing with Honeypot : " - hero

30-31 Agustus 2006, BCS2006, Bellua Jakarta
- Panel Discussion "Indonesian IT UnderGround" y3dips, the_day and z3r0byt3 as the panelis

12 Agustus 2006 - Sekolah Tinggi Sandi Negara
- Cryptography and Wireless security seminar 2006
Paper entitled :" Owned a mobile device via bluetooth : " also with some Demo - y3dips

22 Juli 2006 - Politeknik Batam kerjasama dengan BatamPos
- Seminar + Demo Web hacking & Network Security
Paper entitled :" From 33 to Zero (a journey to be root) : " - y3dips
Paper entitled :"TCP/IP Packet Injection" - z3r0byt3 
Paper entitled :" Preventing Your server with Snort (IPS series) : " - the_day

19 Maret 2006 - STT Telkom Bandung
- Seminar Technopreneur GENIA 2006
Paper entitled :" Getting More With Open Source : " - z3r0byt3
Paper entitled :"How Deep Opensource Penetration in Indonesia" - M0by

22 Januari ~ 19 Maret 2006 - Echo Seminar & workshop collaboration with Bina Insani
Part I ( 22 Januari 2006 )
- Paper Entitled : Basic Linux Security:"Teknik dasar Keamanan menggunakan Linux"
- Model : Workshop
- Speaker : z3r0byt3

Part II ( 05 Februari 2006 )
- Paper Entitled : Basic Internet Security : "What should u need to know"
- Model : Seminar
- Speaker : y3dips

Part III ( 19 Februari 2006 )
- Paper Entitled : Windows/Linux ( Based Wireless )
- Model : Workshop
- Speaker : Hero

Part IV ( 05 Maret 2006 )
- Paper Entitled : Windows/Linux (Securing Server )
- Model : Workshop
- Speaker : the_day

Part V ( 19 Maret 2006 )
- Paper Entitled : Building Your Secure Network
- Model : Workshop
- Speaker :the_day

1 Maret 2006 - UKSW Salatiga- Workshop
Paper entitled : "Playing with Password" - y3dips 
Paper entitled : "Denial Of Service : side effect" - y3dips

28 Februari 2006 - UKSW Salatiga
- Workshop
Paper entitled : "Hacking Over HTTP : most way to get in" - y3dips
Paper entitled : "Art of Backdooring : Technique and practice" - y3dips

Oktober 2005 - Buka bersama Komunitas echo.or.id
- Buka bersama bulan ramadhan di RM Ayam Bakar Wong Solo , Report
Paper entitled :"Penetrate a System : a collection of X-rubbish technique" - y3dips
Paper entitled :"Identify Your System : The best way to protect you against computer attack" - z3r0byt3

10 Oktober 2005, BNCC Seminar, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta
-Seminar : BNCC 1st IT Talks Member Forum Road to Hacking
Paper entitled : "An Introduction to Computer Security"- z3r0byt3
Paper entitled : "Short review of hacking" - the_day

17 September 2005, Veteran University (UPN) Jogjakarta
- Seminar : "Securing your System"
Paper entitled : "The Art of Thinking [re-write]" - y3dips
Paper entitled : "Hack or Hacked : Hacking your own linux before you are Hacked" - z3r0byt3
Demo : "Movie - Webhacking, php injection & Backdooring" - y3dips

20 Juli 2005, Jakarta Convention Center (Festival Komputer Indonesia 7)
- ECHO Security & Hacking Seminar 2005 : "Hacking: Apa dan Bagaimana?"
Paper entitled : "The Art of Thinking" - y3dips
Paper entitled : "Social engineering : hacker tricking a novice hacker " - z3r0byt3

22 Mei 2005, Diponegoro University Semarang
- Web Hacking Seminar : "Hacker vs. Cracker Ancaman Terhadap Sistem Keamanan"
Paper entitled : "Web Application Hacking " - y3dips ,presented by z3r0byt3
Demo : "SQL injection Theory and Practice" - the_day
Maret 2005, BCS2005, Bellua Jakarta 
- Hacking challenge/game "Capture The Flag" y3dips and the_day as a participant

20 Maret 2005, Mercu Buana University Jakarta
- Seminar "Hacking & Network Security"
Paper entitled : "Web Hacking"- y3dips , presented by :z3r0byt3 
Demo : "Web Hacking Proof of concept" - y3dips & the_day

26 Pebruari 2005, LP3I Cilegon
- Seminar : "Hacking & Pertahanannya "
Paper entitled : "Hacking ,Defence & Case scenario"- y3dips
Paper entitled: "Implementasi Security Level Kernel pada GNU/Linux Menggunakan LIDS" - z3r0byt3
Demo : "Case Scenario" - y3dips & the_day

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